Tuesday 29 December 2015

Making fun with Mechanics

For many high school students, Mechanics is a staring class course which is full of an in-class mathematics. But mechanics could be learned with a less equipment and more fun. The mechanics can be learned practically using software called tracker all that you need is a PC, Camera, and some patience. There are two wonderful articles regarding the practical way to learn mechanics which are linked below.
Tracker Tutorial-1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1SVV40tsnkEUXZsaXNpUGlsX0k/view?usp=sharing
Tracker Tutorial-2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1SVV40tsnkEMzVUYTdrVjJzaFE/view?usp=sharing
tracker software: http://www.opensourcephysics.org/items/detail.cfm?ID=7365

Sample videos can be found here: http://thephysicsabecedarium.com/

Monday 28 December 2015

Monday 21 December 2015

Tools to Learn General Science

PhET is a great resource for interactive science demos/animations. One example I’ve used for physics: create a skateboard ramp and watch as the skateboarder moves according to the conservation of energy. You can download and use the demos offline, but you need to keep your Flash updated, which can sometimes be a hassle.
Science animations is a simple website, but some of its animations show concepts clearly. There is more math used than in PhET, but it should be useful for first-year undergraduates or upper year high school students.
Hyperphysics is a good resource for people learning physics. It assembles most physics topics into a concept cloud, which helps illustrate connected concepts. The aesthetic is very modest. It has mostly text, but also simple diagrams and figures that support each core idea.
Clipgrab has been a reliable and useful tool for downloading YouTube videos for embedding into PowerPoint. There’s lots of tools out there for this, and this free one works well for me.
Please check Dan Weavers Blog: http://www.danweaver.ca/
Dan Weaver is a scientist and musician @UToronto

Learn SPECIAL Relativity

Learn SPECIAL Relativity

Relativity is a difficult concept to understand intuitively. It’s straight-forward to memorize the relevant equations and accept the seemingly-abstract assertion that time can move slower at high velocities. I like the simple animations in this post, which elucidate the lesson on special relativity by illustrating the relationship between light, time, and space.
Interactive Online Course: http://www.worldscienceu.com/courses/university/special-relativity

Sunday 20 December 2015

What are the odds????

Hey here is a wonderful attempt by an author called Ali Binazir to quantify the probability that you came here and exist as you today
sorry if the picture is not clear check this link: http://imgur.com/8GYhJbm?utm_content=buffer30e52&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Physicists Are Desperate to Be Wrong About the Higgs Boson

Physicists Are Desperate to Be Wrong About the Higgs Boson
When Paul Glaysher was approaching the end of his master’s degree in 2012, everyone was talking about the Higgs boson. After two years of smashing protons together, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider was about to bring the mysterious particle—it helps explain how the universe got its mass—out of the theoretical realm. Students who landed a spot on an LHC research team had a chance to aid the biggest discovery in modern physics.

Glaysher bit. Then, two months before he started his Ph.D. program with the University of Edinburgh’s CERN team, the LHC’s ATLAS and CMS experiments announced they had found the Higgs boson.
“It was a bit sad,” Glaysher says. “They waited 50 years to find it, and couldn’t wait the extra two months until I was part of the party.

The three years that followed were a champagne-fueled hangover. Further, data confirmed the Higgs discovery, and then the collider shut down for a two-year upgrade that more than doubled its particle-smashing power.
This summer, the LHC’s long-awaited restart came with a new promise: the chance to spot larger particles never before created in a human-made particle accelerator. Physicists believe they might glimpse the particles that make up dark matter—the unknown substance thought to make up a quarter of the universe—or even hints of other dimensions.
But despite the chance to study exotic new particles, Glaysher finds himself three and a half years later still studying the Higgs boson for the ATLAS experiment. Instead of spending his entire life chasing a specter, he’s examining something very real.
check out this link: http://www.wired.com/2015/11/physicists-are-desperate-to-be-wrong-about-the-higgs-boson/

Really NICE Math Blog

Hey I found an out really nice blog by a mathematician named Presh Talwalkar, Check that blog you can find out really cool stuff out there....( link is Below)


Tuesday 1 December 2015

Wanna be a DATA Scientist???????Please follow these links

If you want to master in data sciences follow these links

https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-books-about-data-science https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-learn-statistics-for-data-science And this is a link of free books in data science: http://www.kdnuggets.com/2015/09/free-data-science-books.html

Credits to Jacky Ma (Data Scientist) @HongKong.

Saturday 28 November 2015

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Gravastar: An alternate to the Black holes!

Gravastar: An alternate to the Black holes!
A gravastar is an object hypothesized in astrophysics as an alternative to the black hole theory by Pawel Mazur and Emil Mottola. It results from assuming real, physical limitations on the formation of black holes. These limits, such as discrete length and time quanta (chronon), were not known to exist when black holes were originally theorized, so the concept of a gravastar is an attempt to "modernize" the theory by incorporating quantum mechanics. The term gravastar is a portmanteau of the words Gravitational Vacuum Star.
In a gravastar, the event horizon is not a well-defined surface. Each wavelength of light has its own 'event horizon', inside which an observer in flat space-time would never measure that wavelength because of the gravitational red shift. The thick layer of Bose–Einstein condensate would lie just outside the 'event horizon', being prevented from complete collapse by the inner void, exerting a balance pressure outwards on the condensate.
Theoretical support for the feasibility of gravastars does not exclude the existence of black holes as shown in other theoretical studies.

Saturday 21 November 2015

The Successes of String Theory

The Successes of String Theory
String theory has gone through many transformations since its origins in 1968 when it was hoped to be a model of certain types of particle collisions. It initially failed at that goal, but in the 40 years since, string theory has developed into the primary candidate for a theory of quantum gravity. It has driven major developments in mathematics, and theorists have used insights from string theory to tackle other, unexpected problems in physics. In fact, the very presence of gravity within string theory is an unexpected outcome!
Predicting gravity out of strings
The first and foremost success of string theory is the unexpected discovery of objects within the theory that match the properties of the graviton. These objects are a specific type of closed strings that are also massless particles that have spin of 2, exactly like gravitons. To put it another way, gravitons are a spin-2 massless particle that, under string theory, can be formed by a certain type of vibrating closed string. String theory wasn’t created to have gravitons — they’re a natural and required consequence of the theory.
One of the greatest problems in modern theoretical physics is that gravity seems to be disconnected from all the other forces of physics that are explained by the Standard Model of particle physics. String theory solves this problem because it not only includes gravity, but it makes gravity a necessary byproduct of the theory.
Explaining what happens to a black hole (sort of)
A major motivating factor for the search for a theory of quantum gravity is to explain the behavior of black holes, and string theory appears to be one of the best methods of achieving that goal. String theorists have created mathematical models of black holes that appear similar to predictions made by Stephen Hawking more than 30 years ago and may be at the heart of resolving a long-standing puzzle within theoretical physics: What happens to matter that falls into a black hole?
Scientists’ understanding of black holes has always run into problems, because to study the quantum behavior of a black hole you need to somehow describe all the quantum states (possible configurations, as defined by quantum physics) of the black hole. Unfortunately, black holes are objects in general relativity, so it’s not clear how to define these quantum states.
String theorists have created models that appear to be identical to black holes in certain simplified conditions, and they use that information to calculate the quantum states of the black holes. Their results have been shown to match Hawking’s predictions, which he made without any precise way to count the quantum states of the black hole.
This is the closest that string theory has come to an experimental prediction. Unfortunately, there’s nothing experimental about it because scientists can’t directly observe black holes (yet). It’s a theoretical prediction that unexpectedly matches another (well-accepted) theoretical prediction about black holes. And, beyond that, the prediction only holds for certain types of black holes and has not yet been successfully extended to all black holes.
Explaining quantum field theory using string theory
One of the major successes of string theory is something called the Maldacena conjecture, or the AdS/CFT correspondence. Developed in 1997 and soon expanded on, this correspondence appears to give insights into gauge theories, such as those at the heart of quantum field theory.
The original AdS/CFT correspondence, written by Juan Maldacena, proposes that a certain 3-dimensional (three space dimensions, like our universe) gauge theory, with the most supersymmetry allowed, describes the same physics as a string theory in a 4-dimensional (four space dimensions) world. This means that questions about string theory can be asked in the language of gauge theory, which is a quantum theory that physicists know how to work with!
Like John Travolta, string theory keeps making a comeback
String theory has suffered more setbacks than probably any other scientific theory in the history of the world, but those hiccups don’t seem to last that long. Every time it seems that some flaw comes along in the theory, the mathematical resiliency of string theory seems to not only save it, but to bring it back stronger than ever.
When extra dimensions came into the theory in the 1970s, the theory was abandoned by many, but it had a comeback in the first superstring revolution. It then turned out there were five distinct versions of string theory, but a second superstring revolution was sparked by unifying them. When string theorists realized a vast number of solutions of string theories (each solution to string theory is called a vacuum, while many solutions are called vacua) were possible, they turned this into a virtue instead of a drawback. Unfortunately, even today, some scientists believe that string theory is failing at its goals.

Observation of geometric scaling of Efimov states in a Fermi-Bose Li-Cs mixture

Observation of geometric scaling of Efimov states in a Fermi-Bose Li-Cs mixture
Shih-Kuang Tung, Karina Jimenez-Garcia, Jacob Johansen, Colin V. Parker, Cheng Chin
(Submitted on 24 Feb 2014)
The emergence of scaling symmetry in physical phenomena suggests a universal description that is insensitive to microscopic details. A well known example is critical phenomena, which are invariant under continuous scale transformations and classify second-order phase transitions into distinct universality classes. Equally intriguing are systems with discrete scaling symmetry, which are invariant under scaling transformation with a specific scaling constant, resulting in log-periodic behavior in the observables. A classic example is the self-similar growth of crystals, as in snowflakes. In few-body physics, Vitaly Efimov predicted in 1970 the existence of an infinite series of three-body bound states that obey universal discrete scaling symmetry when pair-wise interactions are resonantly enhanced. Despite abundant reports of Efimov states in cold atom experiments, direct observation of discrete scaling symmetry remains an elusive goal. Here we report the observation of three Efimov resonances in a heteronuclear Li-Cs mixture near a broad interspecies Feshbach resonance. The positions of the resonances provide a model-independent confirmation of discrete scaling symmetry with an averaged scaling constant λexp=4.85(44), in good agreement with the predicted value of 4.88. Our findings also provide new insight into the possible discrete scaling symmetry in Bose gasses and mixtures with resonant interactions.

The origins of space and time

The origins of space and time
“Imagine waking up one day and realizing that you actually live inside a computer game,” says Mark Van Raamsdonk, describing what sounds like a pitch for a science-fiction film. But for Van Raamsdonk, a physicist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, this scenario is a way to think about reality. If it is true, he says, “everything around us — the whole three-dimensional physical world — is an illusion born from information encoded elsewhere, on a two-dimensional chip”. That would make our Universe, with its three spatial dimensions, a kind of hologram, projected from a substrate that exists only in lower dimensions.
Read more : http://goo.gl/v0ELCn

Massive Hangovers and the Harmonic Series

Massive Hangovers and the Harmonic Series
This picture shows a stable deck of 52 cards in which the top card overhangs the bottom card by about 1.5 card widths. In theory, it is possible to do even better so that the overhang is almost 2.26 card widths. The reason for this has to do with centres of mass and the harmonic series.
In order to understand where the number 2.26 comes from, it is helpful to keep track of the horizontal displacement of each card. We will measure horizontal distances from an origin at the rightmost edge of the top card, in such a way that each card is 2 units wide. The centre of mass of the top card is then 1 unit to the left of the origin.
The overhang of a stack of cards is the horizontal distance between the rightmost edge of the top card and the rightmost edge of the bottom card. In a stack of two cards, the way to create the largest overhang is to put the centre of mass of the top card above the rightmost edge of the lower card. The combined centre of mass of these two cards will then be half way between their individual centres of mass; in other words, 1.5 units to the left of the origin.
Now consider creating an overhanging stack with n+1 cards by placing an overhanging stack with n cards on top of a single card. (This is probably not a good way to create a stack in practice, but it is mathematically helpful.) In order to maximize the overhang, the cards should be positioned so that the centre of mass of the top n cards is directly above the rightmost edge of the bottom card. If we define C(n) to be the horizontal distance between the centre of mass of the n-card stack and the origin, this shows that the size of the overhang for n+1 cards is equal to C(n).
The centre of the bottom card of the new n+1 card stack is at a distance of C(n)+1 from the origin. The centre of mass of the new n+1 card stack is thus given by the weighted formula
C(n+1) = (nC(n) + C(n)+1)/n+1,
which simplifies to C(n+1) = C(n) + 1/(n+1).
Since C(1) = 1, we can solve this to show that C(n) is given by the sum of the first n terms of the harmonic series, H(n) = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n. A famous property of this series is that it diverges to infinity. For example, if you were prepared to make n large enough, you could add up enough terms to make H(n) larger than 1000, or any other large number you care to specify. However, the divergence is very slow, and adding up the first million terms of the series only gives a total sum of about 14.39.
Going back to the skewed stack of 52 playing cards, we now know that the size of the overhang for 52 cards is equal to H(51), which works out at around 4.5188. However, the width of a card is two units, so in terms of card widths, the maximum overhang is about 2.2594, which is where the figure of 2.26 comes from.
Since the series H(n) diverges to infinity, it is possible in theory to stack objects in this way so that the overhang is arbitrarily large. However, the thicker and heavier the objects become, the harder it is to achieve large overhangs.
This post is based on a post in the blog ThatsMaths by Peter Lynch, who is a Professor of Meteorology at University College Dublin. The blog post also shows a photograph of a stack of ten biscuits (cookies) and a stack of ten volumes of the Encyclopædia Britannica.
Relevant links
Peter Lynch's original blog post, Biscuits, Books, Coins and Cards: Massive Hangovers, can be found here: http://thatsmaths.com/…/biscuits-books-coins-and-cards-mas…/
Here's an online harmonic series calculator by Jim Carlson which you can use to calculate values of H(n) for various n:http://www.math.utah.edu/~c…/teaching/calculus/harmonic.html
_ R S S Shourie M

Kerr-Newman metric

The Kerr–Newman metric is a solution of the Einstein–Maxwell equations in general relativity that describes the spacetime geometry in the region surrounding a charged, rotating mass.
This solution has not been especially useful for describing astrophysical phenomena, because observed astronomical objects do not possess an appreciable net electric charge. The solution has instead been of primarily theoretical and mathematical interest. (It is assumed that the cosmological constant equals zero which is near enough to the truth.)
Scholarpedia has an outstanding, in depth article about Kerr-Newman metric: http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Kerr-Newman_metric
Top image: Conceptual photograph of a rotating (angular momentum per unit mass a = 0.8) black hole that is not electrically charged. This is a realistic black hole, such as is surely present in some X-ray binaries and in many galactic nuclei. The curvature, K, of the black hole is shown as a function of distance from the singularity ("radius") and polar angle ("theta"). The most remarkable new feature is the presence of negative curvature.
Bottom image: Conceptual photograph of a general black hole. This particular plot is for a value of a = 0.8 (angular momentum per unit mass) and for electric charge Q = 0.8. Real black holes in the universe are unlikely to be electrically charged.
_M R S S Shourie

The Standard Model and the Future Of Particle Physics

The Standard Model of particle physics is the most beautiful and complete theory we have so far describing the electromagnetic, the nuclear weak and the nuclear strong interactions. The matter particles interact by exchanging other particles associated with these interactions. The basic grains of matter are fermions and the force carriers are bosons. The names of these two classes refer to their spin. Fermions have half-integer values of spin whereas bosons have integer values as shown in the diagram below. 
However, we know that there are several problems with the Standard Model and it's not the final ultimate theory. The problems are called "The Hierarchy Problem". Why there is a wide range in mass for the elementary particles. In the table shown, we see the electron is about 200 times lighter than the muon and 3500 times lighter than the tau. Same thing for the quarks: the top quark is 75 000 times heavier than the up quark. Other problem is the huge difference in the strength of fundamental forces, plus, the Standard Model doesn't describe gravity which seems to be very very weak compared to the other three interactions. The hierarchy problem is also related to the Higgs boson mass In the equations, the Higgs boson has a basic mass to which theorists add a correction for each particle that interact with it. The heavier the particle, the larger the correction. The top quark being the heaviest particle, it adds such a large correction to the theoretical Higgs boson mass that theorists wonder how the measured Higgs boson mass can be as small as it was found. What's more, why there are so many particles describing nature, we would like to have much simpler chart of elementary particles where we do not consider these elementary particles as elementary, like Superstring theory suggests, each particle contains a one dimensional string of energy vibrating in many modes in extradimensions and for each mode we obtain a specific particle. Finally, the Standard Model doesn't describe Dark Matter.Dark matter does not emit any light but manifests itself through its gravitational effects.
One of the most promising extensions of the Standard Model is Supersymmetry which I'm working on. In the Standard Model the vacuum is not stable. Vacuum could be stabilized by Supersymmetry. The three fundamental interactions are unified by supersymmetry. But the philosophical aspect of the theory is not satisfying, the theory predicts more particles (super-partners) and in the Next-to-The-Minimal-Supersymmetric-Standard-Model which I'm working on, there must be 7 different Higgs bosons.
The unification of gravity with the other three fundamental interactions could not be achieved if there is no Supersummetry because the most promising theories of quantum gravity are supergravity and superstring theories. There are some theorists who believe that we don't need to unify gravity because it's just a geometrical property of spacetime. But this point of view is excluded because there are cases in the universe where we need both General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics like the Black holes, because the Strength of gravity is so high thus we need General Relativity, and the matter is condensed is a very very small region of spacetime thus we need Quantum Mechanics. So we need to discover the gravitational waves and a Boson with spin 2 called Graviton. But unfortunately this is out of reach now because we need first to discover Supersymmetry.
The discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012 was a great achievement, but as usual in science, new answers bring with them a new set of new questions.
The next run of the LHC at CERN will start in April 2015, and we will for sure either discover supersymmetry and the door will be open to the next unification, or we will discover other phenomena that our minds and mathematics couldn't find and it's cooler and more exciting because it will drive particle physics to a whole new area and physicists will face new challenges and will be forced to changed radically their views and models of the extensions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics.
-Amine Benaichouche
_M R S S Shourie

Just for Fun-1

Advanced Geometry/Quantum Psychology - Higher Dimensional Communications/Connections - Equilibrium
This is a forth dimension, inside of a third dimension, on a second dimensional surface; however, the middle sphere can be broken down to seventh dimension. Basically, what this is, is a planet existing in the fourth dimension, surrounded by the third dimension, in a second dimensional reality. So you see, even the fourth dimension and the third dimension can exist in the second dimension. If you think about the holographic universe theory, then you understand that you could be a second dimensional being, existing in a third, fourth, etc. dimensional reality, simultaneously; while still living in a holographic reality, existing in the third, fourth, fifth, etc. dimension.
So basically, you could be communicating with a second dimensional being (human), that's also living in a third, fourth, etc. existence, simultaneously. All the way up to the seventh dimension and beyond, can be represented on a second dimensional surface. We could exist in all dimensions, while existing in the second dimension. How do you think you're talking to higher dimensional beings in telepathy, aka pineal to pineal communication, or higher self communication? In a nutshell, we can exist and communicate in multiple dimensions. Could be second dimensional beings, having a third dimensional experience, communicating in multiple dimensions?

P.S. This is just for fun, a perception of multidimensional geometry and quantum psychology, we are connected. The important issue at hand is the equilibrium, balancing these communications, with self. 

Mathematical Aspects of String Theory

Here is a really good talk by Prof. Cumrun Vafa of Harvard University on Mathematical aspects of String Theory which he gave quite recently at IMPA, Brazil. As you can guess from the title, the talk is about string theory to a bunch of mathematicians, who may or may not be familiar with it. He starts off with how mathematics and physics are closely related fields and gradually moves onto topics such as duality, mirror symmetry, Calabi-Yau manifolds, etc. What I really liked in this talk was when Prof. Vafa talks about the T-duality on tori, and links it to the Fourier-Mukai transform that mathematicians. He says that the mirror symmetry may be derived as an application of the toroidal T-duality on fibers at each point of the base. And there's more to the talk. Enjoy! smile emoticon
Link to the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yreUdrIbt2Q

_Shourie M R S S

Short biography on the "Einstein Family"

"The difference between Stupidity and Genius is that Genius has its limits".
-Albert Einstein
Short biography on the "Einstein Family"
Albert Einstein was, and still is, consider the most brilliant mind of the 20th century. Albert Einstein was born in Germany on March 14, 1879. He was a Theoretical Physicist, Genius, Thinker, Creator and a Noble Prize winner. He was married to Maric Einstein in January 1903 and had 3 children named Lieserl Einstein, Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard Einstein. Albert and Maric Einstein were divorced on February 14, 1919, after being apart for 5 years.
Albert Einstein married Elsa Löwenthal on June 2, 1919, and it's said they had an ongoing relationship since 1912. Elsa Einstein was later diagnosed with heart and kidney problems in 1935. Elsa would later die in December 1936 from her health problems. Einstein would follow her in death 19 years later, on April 18, 1955 at age 76. Einstein died of heart failure at 12:55 a.m. in Princeton, New Jersey. Thomas Harvey would perform the autopsy at Princeton Hospital.
Albert Einstein’s Top 17 Major Achievements
1.) Albert Einstein demonstrated in 1905, that space and time are not absolute, but instead, that the speed of light is absolute. By making just a simple replacement in a fundamental assumption he quickly, easily and beautifully derived the transformation equations that Lorentz had painfully derived earlier. Because the replacement was so fundamental, it meant a complete reinterpretation of all of physics up to that point.
2.) He also figured out the equivalence of mass and energy, the famous formula E=mc^2, in 1905.
3.) Albert Einstein, after Max Planck's timid suggestion, argued that light should be seriously considered as a collection of particles by everyone, challenging the “Wave Theory of Light”. His particle argument that explained the photoelectric effect won him a Nobel Prize in 1921 and this accomplishment opened a whole new world of study known as Quantum Physics. It is amusing to note that Einstein received a Nobel prize for a work of his that is much less famously associated with him than Relativity, because the Nobel prize is meant to reward "correctness, not fame". It is ironic that Einstein's argument in the photoelectric effect is less watertight than Relativity (Nature's way of laughing in the face of the Nobel committee) because a wave theory of light with quantum electrons would have explained the photoelectric effect too. Nonetheless, to be clear, light is quantised.
4.) His research concerning the “Brownian Motion of Particles” would create an equation by twisting both the ideas of “Kinetic Theory” and “Classical Hydrodynamics” together. His equation would demonstrate that the mean free path of such particles as a function of time.
5.) He also showed how you could calculate “Avogadro’s Number” and the size of molecules.
6.) He was the founder of quantum mechanics, because he was the first to urge everyone to take the subject seriously, and also produced a whole lot of important results with almost no experimental input other than the stuff he knew from college. Some of these results are so amazing that they deserve a special mention later.
7.) In 1915, Albert Einstein would publish his paper on “General Relativity”, which took over where “Special Relativity” failed to do. The publication of his second paper “General Relativity” would end up starting a rising controversy.
8.) He would later demonstrate that his “General Relativity” could model the behavior of the universe itself, and Albert had his paper published in 1917. General Relativity created some of the weirdest and most important results in modern Astronomy.
9.) Modelling the evolution of the universe itself is cosmology. Creating this new field of science, along with others like de Sitter, Friedmann and so on, an understanding of the universe was finally possible to be explored.
10.) He transformed our understanding of nature on every scale, from the smallest to the cosmos as a whole, between 1905 and 1925.
11.) Working with semi-classical reasoning, Einstein predicted the existence of lasers, with extremely little mathematics, that turned out to be exactly correct even after quantum effects are included.
12.) As another example of his stunning ability to revolutionize fields of physics, Einstein derived an understanding of the thermal characteristics of ALL solids, with a bit of mathematics, and because the mathematics was difficult, just one excited quantum state. Like a true master, he worked out the extremely difficult part of making a new way of calculating something, and then left the simple improvement of the model to other people, leading to an entire string of discoveries for other people to get. Also, this exercise proved that unlike the rumors, Einstein was really good with applied mathematics.
13.) Albert Einstein received a short paper in 1924 from a Indian Physicist named Satyendra Nath Bose, requesting Einstein’s help with publication. The paper Satyendra proposed to Einstein would describe light as a gas of photons. Einstein later proposed that you could use the same statistics and it could be applied to atoms. The “Bose-Einstein Statistics” now describes the construction of indistinguishable particles known as bosons.
14.) Bose-Einstein statistics, under low temperature conditions, would mathematically lose particles. Einstein quickly showed that those "lost" particles were actually just acting as one gigantic particle, the Bose-Einstein Condensate, which is what superfluid Helium is.
15.) General Relativity solved the anomalous precision of Mercury's orbit. Einstein's derivation was mathematically sophisticated, such that in one approximation step, he worked out the value he was looking for.
16.) Seized upon the beauty that was Kaluza-Klein theory (adding extra dimensions, curled up, to General Relativity predicts physical phenomena. The first of which is that classical Electromagnetism gets turned into gravity), Einstein worked out that these extra dimensions are unstable and was rumored to have derived all the way to Yang-Mills equations (that govern the nucleus). This is the very well-known vision of the Grand Unified Theory, although Einstein both championed and killed it, because the proof of instability was very crucial.
17.) To challenge physics to improve upon quantum mechanics, he designed the EPR paradox.
Although Einstein had many successes, the scientific community does not worship him as a deity. As a founder of quantum mechanics, it was a shame that he was completely wrong in the debate with Niels Bohr about the "God playing dice" issue. The EPR paradox that was meant to challenge quantum physics ended up being an experimental evidence that classical theories will never be able to explain our universe. The latter half of his life, spent upon the Grand Unified Theories of the General Relativity form, was a drastic waste because the rest of the world was busy making all kinds of incredible quantum mechanics discoveries that he would have been very much welcome to help.
_M R S S Shourie

Matter and Anti-matter........Not only charge

Til now, there is no difference between matter and anti-matter except the electric charge. The results confirm the prediction of the Standard Model of Particle Physics with high precision. But we are not sure if they behave in the same way in the existence of the Gravitational field.
The ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN has made a precise measurement of the difference between ratios of the mass and electric charge of light nuclei and antinuclei. The result, published today in Nature Physics, confirms a fundamental symmetry of nature to an unprecedented precision for light nuclei. The measurements are based on the ALICE experiment's abilities to track and identify particles produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions at the LHC.
The measurement by ALICE comparing the mass-to-charge ratios in deuterons/antideuterons and in helium-3/antihelium-3 confirms the fundamental symmetry known as CPT in these light nuclei. This symmetry of nature implies that all of the laws of physics are the same under the simultaneous reversal of charges (charge conjugation C), reflection of spatial coordinates (parity transformation P) and time inversion (T). The new result, which comes exactly 50 years after the discovery of the antideuteron at CERN and in the US, improves on existing measurements by a factor of 10-100. 

Black Hole lensing and existence by holographic retrojection

Hawking's interpretation does not seem to take into account that the quantum vacuum itslef is not existent, but induces existence, as likewise we found out that time does not exist but duration and motion when quantizing space-time of Einstein's Relativity (Hilbert space) ...
But what about the interpretation? what is meant by a different universe? and within BMS (Bondi–van der Burg–Metzner–Sachs), supertranslation subgroups, Ward-Takahashi identity, Super-Yang-Mills, etc. the action of the graviton, say a massless giant gravition is refering to AdS5 phase space WITHIN the dirichlet boundaries, hence it is a THEORY of a holographic projection WITHIN the SAME quantum vacuum!
Because gravity is interpreted as a bosonic state which it is NOT, gravity is in relation to the quantum vacuum and its --->photonic density, creating mass states by Efimov-quark-antiquark like quasi states INTO the quantum vacuum by the BEC photon condensate at THIS Planck density <--- you see there between the arrows first signs of a holographic rear projection so that Hawking's interpretaion, when it is what I assume, is not taking into account that the states of THIS quantum vacuum are ReProjected by apparent BH horizons from the quantum world into the real world AT BOTH Planes of Existence which do not form a different universe,!
They are so to say stabilizing themeselves, there is no other side so to say, no group to be switched between anti-matter or matter or between quantum world and real world, we do not have yet a terminology for this, I think?
EInstein's theory of relativity (STR and GTR) describe mostly the real world, hence, when it comes to quantization of space-time at Planck Scale, it fails to explain the further observations but is coherent with itslef so to say, but breaks at FTL phenomena, and we found out that time does not exist. hence the same here:
Hawking's theory is correct when it decribes a BH and the quantum information theory, but this is a new phenomon so to say, we may find out that there is not just a quantum vacuum but that the Q-states we observe "here" and which we interprete as waves and particles etc, are reprojected energy states which condensate as mass in simple terms - a BH is like an imploded 4D star - and we have the same properties for a particle in general, the same sort of a quasi singularity- there maths is incomplete, the parallel lines meet at infinity and 'link" the upper and lower boundary of the absolute zero so that Riemann's zeta gives stability constraints for the photonic gauge (a sort of a gauged neutrino, I assume (Koide formular),to condensate mass.
So far so good, it is like an inverted matrix (conotation) which is revealed by the data of galaxy clusters to the very small, the cosmological principle is disproved, I have no better words for this, I have described it the best I could in my blog.

Maths FAILS at the physical zero!! There is no Zero in a mathematical sense! There is no zero quantum vacuum!! There is No singularity: these are Quasi singularities wich link the upper and lower boundary of the absolute zero of the quantum vacuum by quasi singularities between particles and BH! Which are in general the same!!
zero is not a constant: the upper value of zero can be stretched to infinity, as the lower to minus infinty, Riemann Zeta Zero distribution (zero values of Zeta function correlate to nuclei and may indicate the threshold between quantum and real world, between phases of matter AND energy).
By an inverse Boltzmann distribution there are temperatures below zero Kelvin, temperature is not energy! zero is not a one point value, not a directed scalar, but indicates a threshold between energy and matter in an n-dimensional transition.
to give a more understandable example: zero dollar and you have no dollar, zero Apple and you are a lucky guy :-)|
But Nothing is not no thing, try to create zero space? in physics zero does not mean nothing, There is NO zero space in a mathematical sense.
_M R S S Shourie

Matter,antimatter,dark matter,what about dark antimatter?

"Matter,antimatter,dark matter,what about dark antimatter?" What puts this all in conflict and turmoil is each persons subscribing to the term, in SUSY it is the anti-"partner" some say the opposite charge sign,some just think it is the evil twin out to get us, the opposite of the normal be it in observation of the negative or the positive it doesn't matter, the equality of distribution in infinity is a localized field represented by EMFields and Matter fields, in some areas such as Plasma Field of positive ions it is balance to antimatter -
- but antimatter is unstable unshielded at the quantum level and at the macro level though still unstable and radioactive it's quantity is sufficient to maintain it's ability not to annihilate at once giving it's long half life this aided by the so called dark matter field separating the EMField at that point,the dark matter field acts as an insulator against the annihilation process,again,
- this is not at every point in space of this situation,when researching this on a quantum level the antimatter particles are not separate entities of matter but the same atom carrying it's anti charge,a proton and electron are by virture of the opposing charge matter and anti matter to each other and not being the same means nothing...
->the charge to mass ratio of the electron to the proton will show you this, it may be smaller but pound for pound as the saying goes puts it on an even field,now you can charge conjugate an atom and classify it as antimatter as well...nature does it all the time...this is where the positron appears"
Further Reading:
M R S S Shourie

The term "Particle Physics" is a little bit misleading

The term "Particle Physics" is a little bit misleading. "High Energy Physics" is more accurate to describe this discipline. In our current understanding of Quantum Mechanics in the framework of "Quantum Field Theory" (which is the mathematical tool to study Particle Physics) every thing whether it's matter or interaction is basically a smooth field occupying a region of the Space-time. This field is waves and not particles. Particles only appear when the fields are excited in a point of the Space-time. They are "excitation" of the fields.
In the modern perspective and revision of basic Quantum Mechanics, the Wave-Particle Duality postulate is not 100% symmetry or duality between waves and particles, the waves are considered to be more fundamental than particles.
Furthermore, in Superstring theory, the particles are suggested to be waves of tiny one dimensional strings vibrating in 10 dimensional space and each mode of vibration gives birth to a particular particle of matter or interaction. As a consequence, the three points vertex in Feynman Diagrams ( the sticks representing the interactions) transforms from a point to a smooth tube of strings.

Standard Model Update

With the help of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), an international team of researchers have found evidence of something physicists have spent decades hoping for – subatomic particles behaving in a way that defies the Standard Model. In particle physics, the Standard Model is the best theory we have for explaining how particles behave and interact; however, it is incomplete as it does not account for gravity. By using the LHC, researchers hope to observe conditions that violate the standard rules of particle physics.
The team of physicists looked at data collected from the LHC’s first run from 2011-2012 – a run made famous for the discovery of the Higgs boson – and found the evidence they were looking for: Leptons defying the Standard Model. Leptons are a group of subatomic particles comprised of three different varieties: the tau, the electron, and the muon. Electrons are very stable, whereas both the tau and muon decay very rapidly.
In the new study, the researchers combed through data looking for evidence of B mesons decaying into lighter particles such as the tau lepton and the muon. The Standard Model dictates that all leptons shall be treated by all the fundamental forces, a concept known as "lepton universality." This means both the tau and the muon should decay at the same rate, once the difference in mass is accounted for. However the team discovered a miniscule, albeit noticeable, difference in the rates of decay which could indicate the presence of potentially unknown forces or particles interfering with the rates of decay.
"The Standard Model says the world interacts with all leptons in the same way. There is a democracy there. But there is no guarantee that this will hold true if we discover new particles or new forces," one of the lead researchers, Hassan Jawahery, from the University of Maryland in the US, said in a statement. "Lepton universality is truly enshrined in the Standard Model. If this universality is broken, we can say that we've found evidence for non-standard physics."
These results compliment a similar discovery from the 2012 BaBar experiment conducted at Stanford’s Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). The BaBar experiment also focused on B meson decay; however, unlike the LHC which smashes protons together, the SLAC used colliding electrons to drive their experiment. Despite the different methods, having two experiments with similar results is key, and suggestive of real physics.
Further experimentation is needed to confirm the latest findings. In April of this year, the LHC reopened following a two year hiatus for upgrades. Since the LHC came back online, researchers have observed record-breaking energy levels, and the team is confident that they will have a better chance of observing more particle behavior that defies the Standard Model and corroborates these findings.
"We are planning a range of other measurements. The LHCb experiment is taking more data during the second run right now," Jawahery stated in a statement. "Any knowledge from here on helps us learn more about how the universe evolved to this point. For example, we know that dark matter and dark energy exist, but we don't yet know what they are or how to explain them. Our result could be a part of that puzzle [...] If we can demonstrate that there are missing particles and interactions beyond the Standard Model, it could help complete the picture."
The findings will be published in the September 4 issue of Physical Review Letters.
_Shourie M R S S (Dr Cube)

Black Hole Lensing and Existence by holographic retrojection

Black Hole Lensing and Existence by holographic retrojection
Black Hole Lensing (BHL) and Existence (Big Bang - as a phase of existence by inducing mass) by holographic rear projection (retrojection).
Comments by Oliver Thewalt
about the Paper:
How to Recover a Qubit That Has Fallen Into a Black Hole
Aidan Chatwin-Davies, Adam S. Jermyn, Sean M. Carroll
In my opinion this is based on OUTDATED assumptions and theories about black holes .. these are NOT like the Wheeler picture suggested ... "black monsters that devour matter" ...
This discussion about the quantum information paradox and Hawking radiation was important, but there are no firewalls and there are no gravitational waves, so that this is, in my view, the wrong question because black holes enable a stable universe and by this life by black hole lensing:
... the holographic properties of black holes seem to be confirmed, so that Black Hole Lensing (BHL) states that the holographic retrojection (rear projection (in deutsch: "Rückprojektion")) of antimatter via exziton like quasi majorana states are projecting matter via ->states of quark antiquark pairs (tripletts, quaternionletts etc, pentaquarks! --> Efimov states ...) by mass (v<c) from the quasi quantum world into the real world at infinite apparent horizons inducing those optical magnetic fields (quark swirl --> gluons) ...
Moreover, quasi singularities in protons are in conjunction with quasi singularities at black holes, which seem to confirm the boundary pircture at infinity of the absolute zero (see also: inverse boltzmann distribution, Unruh Radiation,..., Riemann's Zeta function: distribution of zero values as stability constraints for atomic nuclei) ...
... and we now have an idea why we thought that these are singularities ...
Mathematics is incomplete
In point of fact, our mathematics is just incomplete for a circle number pi, that allows two parallel lines as a tangent on a cricle to meet at INFINITY.
In addition, these parallel lines are a result of RETROJECTION of a complex RECONJUGATED string plane (for which we might have no name, if Mark Simpson or George Shiber don't have) as a holographic 2D Projection INTO this 2D real world sheet!!
The LENS is reenabled by the HiggsField (=Dark Matter, thanks Micheal Balmer) which works like a space lens projector as an INSULATOR (Aharonov-Bohm effect in "real world" is greeting!) into the real world, like a mini wormhole, but "lensing" a EPR BCS like BEC Darktron ...
Furthermore, we know that FTL communication, if possible, despite the no-cloning theorem, would have no effect on the real world, at least concerning a possible reaction because there is no cause & effect in the quantum world but in the real world .. this cannot be broken!
Michael Balmer said once on the Antimatter thread at my wall (Facebook):
Excerpt, quote of Michael Balmer:
".. and the second is where it all began,the misunderstanding of anti-matter, true annihilation upon contact of the opposing charges is one result,but the annihilation is of the particle not in the matter but in it's charge of matter....energy conversion...light and or pure electricity, hmmm,clarify,the contact of an electron and positron does not annihilate either atom but ionizes both,creating plasma and plasma remains plasma until each relevant charge has be reestablished,,does this tell of what anti-matter is not completely, what is known...
... some maybe not all is that existence is possible because of three aspects of nature: negative, positive and neutral charges and matter at it's base is a neutral (particle or string) string?
Another time on that, for this reality negative is in the form of an electron and positive in the form of a proton,both are particles of matter...both are part of a field,one of a matter field the other a anti-matter field, not completely,what is known... " Unquote
My viewpoint on the above excerpt:
"Hence, antimatter is part of a bosonic field, which is unstable at quantum level on account of being part of quantum vacuum - quasi Faster Than Light - but insulated by a BEC condensate within the Higgs field -- Region of Neutrality (thanks Michael Balmer) - and becomes a matter boson - part of the "higgs boson" - below the Speed of Light threshold in conjunction with light (photon) and electricity (EM field + electron), so that it works like a quasi Higgs Boson, enabling matter on quark level via charge conjugation AGAINST a negative space vacuum ....
.. and this is what makes the proton stable, the anti-proton exists only on quantum level..."
*Michael Balmer, 01. Jan 2015, 10:21 AM ("Antimatter Thread", FB Profile of Oliver Thewalt)*
"Matter, antimatter, dark matter,what about dark antimatter? What puts this all in conflict and turmoil is each persons subscribing to the term, in Susy it is the anti-"partner" some say the opposite charge sign,some just think it is the evil twin out to get us,the opposite of the normal be it in observation of the negative or the positive it doesn't matter,the equality of distribution in infinity is a localized field represented by EMFields and Matter fields, in some areas such as Plasma Field of positive ions it is balance to antimatter but antimatter is unstable unshielded at the quantum level and at the macro level though still unstable and radioactive it's quantity is sufficient to maintain it's ability not to annihilate at once giving it's long half life this aided by the so called dark matter field separating the EMField at that point,the dark matter field acts as an insulator against the annihilation process, again, this is not at every point in space of this situation, when researching this on a quantum level the antimatter particles are not separate entities of matter but the same atom carrying it's anti charge,a proton and electron are by virture of the opposing charge matter and anti matter to each other and not being the same means nothing...
... the charge to mass ratio of the electron to the proton will show you this, it may be smaller but pound for pound as the saying goes puts it on an even field, now you can charge conjugate an atom and classify it as antimatter as well...nature does it all the time...this is where the positron appears."
This excellent post by *_George Shiber_* argues in a similar way, but still upholds the SUSY hypothesis:
*A Fukaya-Categorical Analysis Of The Sasaki-Einstein ‘AdS/CFT’ Holographic Renormalization Of Quantum Gravity*
*Complex ReConjugation*
Prime numbers may indicate constraints of existence for BH Lenses in the Higgs-Field as a kind of BEC Photon Condensation (remember: the photon is a partition of space at the speed of light threshold, scaled by Planck Density´, I assume, as imaginary space photon boundary) ...
...in conjunction with the distribution of the zero values of Riemann's Zeta and prime dividers (factors) for stochastic probability constraints of mass condensating in the Quantum Foam via photonic majorana quasi states (bi-photon tachyonic "pair"x-tetts" as mini BH transforming into wormhole EPR-like states mediated by (anti)neutrino ... AT EVERY "SPACE DOT" - this is a kind of gravity scale via the photon (-->mass) space (->lense distribution matrices ) "Density" (=boundary) ...
- as an allegory just use a Quantum Dot Screen which is "dotted" by a holographic (complex conjugated INTRINSIC BH <-> wormhole transmission holographic Re-Projector -
... means mathematics which is neither just non-abelian or just complex or just in any euclidean plane inducing any Euler Theorem or Euler identity as geometric interpretation of the Euler Lagrangian potentials which indicate any zero gravity potential between matter (postitive "Dot-charge" conjugate Projection) and space (negative "Dot-Charge" ReTrojection (by BHL)!
Mathematics needs therefore a Re-Projecting BHL upgrade, so to say, which is enabled by Phases of Existence (may be Planck Density) Retrojecting by BHL - Wave (BH quasi singularities "scaled" (lensed) by Prime numbers and dividers via a Zeta Manifold conjugate INTO MINI BH EPR BCS BEC Darktron WAVE ...
- you see the ends of this SINGLE SCALAR WAVE is waving into opposite directions (Zero upper >|< lower bounadry - Mini BH >|< Wormhole Darktron (Pairs) at full amplitude to a finite point (Space dots) in space and backwards ... as in the FaTe Model of the String Theory Development Group predicted)...
... allowing ReProjective "Prime scaled" conjugated Operators and not just hermitian adjoint operators, hence a kind of retrojective transposing Space Dot Sphere Plane (former geometry, may be string has this already or LQG) ...
It is ironical that this imaginary gluon picture with these (fancy) colors fits perfectly into the "Quantum-Dot Space" (a "Quantum Foam Darktron Condensate", a terminology which I propose here, although any String or existing LQG terminology will suffice as well) so to say ..
Gravity may be Gravity potentials by Black Holes lensing Mass into Space....
A gauge field potential which is induced by mass against space ....
BHs are reprojecting this lens potential via a Dark Matter BEC space partition -- = photon (OM-Fields) -- ... at the space dots.
"Dotting Mass" into the Quantum Foam via the weak and strong (nuclear) Force (remember Mini-BH quasi lens potential transponing into those EPR Waves (Mini Wormholes in particles) and we have a kind of Kaluza-Klein compactification of "BHL space dotting" into those colorful optical (--> QCD, gluons) and Magnetic - Quantum Magentic Flux - Fields as an extended effective gauge-lens (field) theory - in fact not any (Lie) group but projecting those groups!
Warp Drive - or Dot-(Donut) Spacing?
You might have to "simulate" as a first thought a negative charge potential (charge spin identity) Lens at any Space Dot permanently -- permanently "reprojecting" (or "rear-projecting"), means measuring those quasi majorana exziton-like state potentials at the space dot zeta zero values coming into existence and permanently switching from WITHIN to WITHOUT states ("inside" - to "outside" which is the same but in a different "quantum transmission") in order to PROJECT a quasi Vector Potential on a holographic Bloch Sphere.
My proposal is to look upon this as a simulated direction WITHIN the in-between states (Mini BH - EPR Wave), so that it induces a void tube, and can thus be interpreted as relocation of a mass WITHIN its own phase of existence by a Black Hole Lens ... ->dotting, which expresses what occurs: ...
.... One may be of the opinion that the Donut-shaped vessel has relocated to, lets say Andromeda, but the universe is INDUCING existence by mass and motion (duration <>Time -- photon ---- Mass ) so that those Space Dot Matrices just have RETROJECTED you at your deserved "location " at this holographic Bloch Sphere.
This is the reason it has been coined Dot-(donut) Spacing by me.
Since this is a first propoal, any terminology may be replaced by known string or LQG terms.
Gravity might hence be a space dot (BH) lens (projected by reprojecting) potential.
*Comment by Lubos Motl on his Blog - The Reference Frame*:
How to Recover a Qubit That Has Fallen Into a Black Hole
Aidan Chatwin-Davies, Adam S. Jermyn, Sean M. Carroll
(Submitted on 13 Jul 2015)
We demonstrate an algorithm for the retrieval of a qubit, encoded in spin angular momentum, that has been dropped into a no-firewall unitary black hole. Retrieval is achieved analogously to quantum teleportation by collecting Hawking radiation and performing measurements on the black hole. Importantly, these methods only require the ability to perform measurements from outside the event horizon and to collect the Hawking radiation emitted after the state of interest is dropped into the black hole.
How to Recover a Qubit That Has Fallen Into a Black Hole
Guest Post: Aidan Chatwin-Davies on Recovering One Qubit from a Black Hole
Guest Post at Preposterous Universe
Suggested Reading:
Can anything travel faster than the speed of light? 'Lightning' seen sparking from a supermassive black hole appears to break the laws of physics
Discussion at Google Plus:
Stephen Hawking's interpretation:
Hawking presents new idea on how information could escape black holes Hawking: information loss in black holes could be stored in alternate universes
Regardless, both of these features are problematic because they might contradict what is known as the Cosmological Principle.
The new biggest thing in the universe, and why it’s a headache for scientists -Cosmological principle
Stephen Hawking says he has a way to escape from a black hole
-- Continued: About Hawking's interpretation -- Comment by Oliver 'Thewalt
Hawking's interpretation does not seem to take into account that the quantum vacuum itslef is not existent, but induces existence, as likewise we found out that time does not exist but duration and motion when quantizing space-time of Einstein's Relativity (Hilbert space) ...
But what about this interpretation? What is meant by a different universe? And within BMS (Bondi–van der Burg–Metzner–Sachs), supertranslation subgroups, Ward-Takahashi identity, Super-Yang-Mills, the action of the graviton, say a massless giant gravition is refering to AdS5 phase space WITHIN the dirichlet boundaries, hence it is a THEORY of a holographic projection WITHIN the SAME quantum vacuum!
Because gravity is interpreted as a bosonic state which it is NOT, gravity is in relation to the quantum vacuum and its --->photonic density, creating mass states by Efimov-quark-antiquark like quasi states INTO the quantum vacuum by the BEC photon condensate at THIS Planck density <--- you see there between the arrows first signs of a holographic rear projection so that Hawking's interpretaion, when it is what I assume, is not taking into account that the states of THIS quantum vacuum are rear projected by apparent BH horizons from the quantum world into the real world AT BOTH Planes of Existence, which do not form a different universe!
They are so to say stabilizing themeselves, there is no other side so to say, no group to be switched between anti-matter or matter or between quantum world and real world, we do not have yet a terminology for this, I think?
Einstein's theory of relativity (STR and GTR) describes mostly the real world, hence, when it comes to quantization of space-time at Planck Scale, it fails to explain the further observations but is coherent with itslef so to say, but breaks at FTL phenomena, and we found out that time does not exist. Hence the same here:
Hawking's theory is correct when it decribes a Black Hole and the quantum information theory, but what was described here is still an unknown phenomenon,
We may find out that there is not just a quantum vacuum, but that the Quantum-states which we observe (at our plane of existence) and which we interprete as waves and particles, are reprojected energy states which condensate as mass in simple terms ....
....A Black Hole is like an imploded 4D star - and we have the same properties for a particle in general, the same sort of a quasi singularity- there maths is incomplete, the parallel lines meet at infinity and 'link" the upper and lower boundary of the absolute zero so that Riemann's zeta gives stability constraints for the photonic gauge (a sort of a gauged neutrino, I assume (Koide formular https://nige.wordpress.com/…/koide-formula-seen-from-a-dif…/ ) to condensate mass.
It is like an inverted matrix (connotation) which is revealed by the data of galaxy clusters to the very small, the cosmological principle is disproved.

Mathematics is incomplete at the physical zero
In the quantum vacuum there is no zero in a mathematical sense. There is no zero quantum vacuum.
There is no singularity: these are quasi singularities which link the upper and lower boundary of the absolute zero of the quantum vacuum by quasi singularities between particles and black holes, which are in general doing the same.
Read more: Discussion in GUT (Grand Unification Theories in Physics)) group, Facebook
Zero is not a constant: the upper value of zero can be stretched to infinity, as the lower to minus infinty, Riemann Zeta Zero distribution (zero values of Zeta function correlate to nuclei and may indicate the threshold between quantum and real world, between phases of matter AND energy).
By an inverse Boltzmann distribution there are temperatures below zero Kelvin, temperature is not energy! zero is not a one point value, not a directed scalar, but indicates a threshold between energy and matter in an n-dimensional transition.

A temperature below absolute zero
Atoms at negative absolute temperature are the hottest systems in the world
But Nothing is not no thing, try to create zero space? In physics zero does not mean nothing - *there is no zero space in a mathematical sense.*
The journey to the other side of absolute zero
Further Reading:
Hawking presents new idea on how information could escape black holes
George Shiber, Quote:" This Structure Contradicts Standard Cosmology Models of the Universe: I told you Quantum Cosmology was False! " Unquote
"Ring" of gamma ray bursts may point to structure 5x larger than cosmological principle allows
Main Post at Hixgrid
Image Courtesy: George Shiber's Blog: Academic Reflections
                                                                                                           -Dr Cube (Shourie M R S S)