Saturday 21 November 2015

Mathematical Aspects of String Theory

Here is a really good talk by Prof. Cumrun Vafa of Harvard University on Mathematical aspects of String Theory which he gave quite recently at IMPA, Brazil. As you can guess from the title, the talk is about string theory to a bunch of mathematicians, who may or may not be familiar with it. He starts off with how mathematics and physics are closely related fields and gradually moves onto topics such as duality, mirror symmetry, Calabi-Yau manifolds, etc. What I really liked in this talk was when Prof. Vafa talks about the T-duality on tori, and links it to the Fourier-Mukai transform that mathematicians. He says that the mirror symmetry may be derived as an application of the toroidal T-duality on fibers at each point of the base. And there's more to the talk. Enjoy! smile emoticon
Link to the talk:

_Shourie M R S S


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