Saturday 2 January 2016

Touichi coordinate Black Hole

The black hole is 3 dimension. It can be described by the Touichi coordinate and stereo complex number. Sterocomplex number is if a,b and c is real adding this imaginary i. Imaginariy i is defined by i cubic =-1. This i is not real and not complex. The solution can be getted by real-1 or in complex numbers. But the definition is another number. The stero complex number was hidden because the solution is real and can be complex. We now must throw away of these number and make the new number a+bi+cii stereo complex number. The calculation rule is different. We calculate two times. The last calculation is on the table of the result of first calculation. We can describe the number on the touichi coordinate. The point goes unitary transformation. The metric of the vector is cubic value. The i,ii phase is gravitational wave. Black hole is in the Touichi coordinate. Energy of mass is m c cubic. Range of the angle of the vector is 3π. The hologram of the universe is on the surrounding phase. It is new world. 


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