Saturday 2 January 2016

Werner Heisenberg

The German theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg was one of the greatest minds ever lived. His version of Quantum Mechanics, called the Matrix Mechanics, was proven by Erwin Schrodinger to be equivalent to the Wave Mechanics ( developed by Schrodinger himself ). Both Matrix Mechanics and Wave Mechanics constitute the Non-Relativistic Theory of Quantum Mechanics. Heisenberg had two advisors when he was working on his Ph.D. thesis: 1. Arnold Sommerfeld ( who was his theoretical physics professor ) 2. Wilhelm Wien ( who was his experimental physics professor ). The story goes that Heisenberg 'sucked' in the experimental part of his Ph.D. thesis and excelled in the theoretical part. Wien told Sommerfeld that Heisenberg should get an F grade on his Ph.D.dissertation while Sommerfeld argued that he should get an A grade. At the end, the two professors made a 'compromise' and Heisenberg got a C grade on his Ph.D.!


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