Sunday 3 January 2016

About the nature of time and time travel

About the nature of time and time travel

Think about the nature of time at first!
Time is related to motion and duration. There is no time as such, time in the concept that we are used to use it is not existent: clocks are not measuring time per se.
Time is the highest form of energy represented by spin, charge and oscillation.

There is NO preserved state of the past, future is a probability distribution of a sample space, not defined. Given some ceteris paribus assumptions and blending out specific relativistic effects: there is no past at all, the covariance of time in view to motion is related to the photon as a state of space at C.
Wormholes, in case they exist, cannot be configurated to a specific polarization and state of the photon for a given locality, but wormholes refer also to a state of space in view of c or FTL, the same principle. You cannot measure the "past" and attribute a preserved past state, but for a time travel process, you would need to do that.

There is no time travel at all, except being able to change the state of space itself with all its properties!


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