Saturday 21 November 2015

Black Hole lensing and existence by holographic retrojection

Hawking's interpretation does not seem to take into account that the quantum vacuum itslef is not existent, but induces existence, as likewise we found out that time does not exist but duration and motion when quantizing space-time of Einstein's Relativity (Hilbert space) ...
But what about the interpretation? what is meant by a different universe? and within BMS (Bondi–van der Burg–Metzner–Sachs), supertranslation subgroups, Ward-Takahashi identity, Super-Yang-Mills, etc. the action of the graviton, say a massless giant gravition is refering to AdS5 phase space WITHIN the dirichlet boundaries, hence it is a THEORY of a holographic projection WITHIN the SAME quantum vacuum!
Because gravity is interpreted as a bosonic state which it is NOT, gravity is in relation to the quantum vacuum and its --->photonic density, creating mass states by Efimov-quark-antiquark like quasi states INTO the quantum vacuum by the BEC photon condensate at THIS Planck density <--- you see there between the arrows first signs of a holographic rear projection so that Hawking's interpretaion, when it is what I assume, is not taking into account that the states of THIS quantum vacuum are ReProjected by apparent BH horizons from the quantum world into the real world AT BOTH Planes of Existence which do not form a different universe,!
They are so to say stabilizing themeselves, there is no other side so to say, no group to be switched between anti-matter or matter or between quantum world and real world, we do not have yet a terminology for this, I think?
EInstein's theory of relativity (STR and GTR) describe mostly the real world, hence, when it comes to quantization of space-time at Planck Scale, it fails to explain the further observations but is coherent with itslef so to say, but breaks at FTL phenomena, and we found out that time does not exist. hence the same here:
Hawking's theory is correct when it decribes a BH and the quantum information theory, but this is a new phenomon so to say, we may find out that there is not just a quantum vacuum but that the Q-states we observe "here" and which we interprete as waves and particles etc, are reprojected energy states which condensate as mass in simple terms - a BH is like an imploded 4D star - and we have the same properties for a particle in general, the same sort of a quasi singularity- there maths is incomplete, the parallel lines meet at infinity and 'link" the upper and lower boundary of the absolute zero so that Riemann's zeta gives stability constraints for the photonic gauge (a sort of a gauged neutrino, I assume (Koide formular),to condensate mass.
So far so good, it is like an inverted matrix (conotation) which is revealed by the data of galaxy clusters to the very small, the cosmological principle is disproved, I have no better words for this, I have described it the best I could in my blog.

Maths FAILS at the physical zero!! There is no Zero in a mathematical sense! There is no zero quantum vacuum!! There is No singularity: these are Quasi singularities wich link the upper and lower boundary of the absolute zero of the quantum vacuum by quasi singularities between particles and BH! Which are in general the same!!
zero is not a constant: the upper value of zero can be stretched to infinity, as the lower to minus infinty, Riemann Zeta Zero distribution (zero values of Zeta function correlate to nuclei and may indicate the threshold between quantum and real world, between phases of matter AND energy).
By an inverse Boltzmann distribution there are temperatures below zero Kelvin, temperature is not energy! zero is not a one point value, not a directed scalar, but indicates a threshold between energy and matter in an n-dimensional transition.
to give a more understandable example: zero dollar and you have no dollar, zero Apple and you are a lucky guy :-)|
But Nothing is not no thing, try to create zero space? in physics zero does not mean nothing, There is NO zero space in a mathematical sense.
_M R S S Shourie


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