Saturday 21 November 2015

This is for my physicist friends - 1

This is for my physicist friends.
In 1962 R. Feynman was at a conference of “gravitationists”
in Warsaw, Poland. The outcome is the well-known Feyman’s paper about inconsistency in standard quantization of gravity he published later in Acta Pysica Polonica [Acta Physica Polonica 24: 697-722, 1963]. I want to present a few relatively small quotations from the letter Feynman wrote to his wife Gwеneth from Warsaw. I omit all his impressions of Warsaw and Warsaw restaurants.
… I am not getting anything out of the meeting , I am learning nothing. This field (because there are no experiments) is not an active one, so few of the best men are doing work in it.
… Remind me not to come to anymore gravity conferences.
… There are hosts of dopes here — and it is not good for my blood pressure — such inane things are said and seriously discussed.
… Whenever one starts to tell me about his “work” it is always either (1) completely un-understandable, or (2) vaguee and indefinite, or (3) something correct that is obvious and self-evident, or (4) a claim based on the stupidity of the author, that some obvious and correct thing accepted and checked for years is, in fact, false (these are the worst — no argument will convince the idiot), or (5) an attempt to do something probably impossible, but certainly of no utility, or (6) just plain wrong. There is a great deal of “activity in the field” these days — but this activity is mainly in showing that the previous “activity” of somebody else resulted in nothing useful or in something promising, etc. ––
like a lot of worms trying to get out of a bottle by crawling all over each other.
From Michelle Feynman’s book “Perfectly reasonable…” Page 137.


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